Malanya Spring is a Great Fairy Fountain located east of the Horse God Bridge in the Faron Grasslands. There are four shrines that you'll need to complete on the Great Sky Island in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, and they are thankfully on a relatively linear path to each other. Malanya Spring is a location in Breath of the Wild. Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Great Sky Island Shrine locations

They are capable of performing many different functions and are essential to solving puzzles. You can use these tools via your Sheikah Slate. The first thing you'll want to do on Great Sky Island in TOTK however is head to the first Steward Construct, found just down to the right of where you first landed. Runes are magical tools in Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Initially, Link may not take the Sheikah Heirloom freely. It has been passed down through Impas family for nine generations. The Sheikah Heirloom is an Ancient Orb in Kakariko Village. You are given no direction and a big drop below if you have the guts to look over the edge. The Sheikah Heirloom is an Object in Breath of the Wild. When you first step out onto the Great Sky Island in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom it can be quite overwhelming.